THE GUARDIAN ANGEL

The guardian angel is seen holding the child with the words

       "The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God."

St. Raphael the Archangel is known as the Healer.  In this icon he is holding Tobias who has a fish in his hand.  In the book of Tobit 3:25 "the holy angel Raphael was sent to heal them both."   God instructed Tobias to catch the fish and use it to heal his father, Tobit.  It also healed his bride, Sara, who was set free of the demon Admodeus who killed all of her bridegrooms.


Here we have another fragment of Gabriel from a second Annunciation icon.

St. Gabriel is seen here in a fragment from the Annunciation.

St. Gabriel, the Archangel is frequently seen in icons of Jesus and Mary.  This is taken from the Unsleeping Eye.  St. Gabriel, St. Michael and St. Raphael are the angels that are frequently present in festal icons.

A newer version of St. Michael

When I started writing icons, we began with St. Michael the Archangel.  By making friends with the angels, it has helped me to do the hard work of constructing an icon.  We started with the Rublev icon.